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Flood catastrophe in QLD and NSW

Once again Australia is experiencing a natural disaster of immense scale. The floods engulfing parts of Queensland and northern NSW have been devastating. Too many lives have been lost. Thousands of homes have been destroyed and livelihoods lost. The pain for many flood-affected people has only just begun.

The close-knit Swiss community rallied to help those in need. Leading the effort is the Swiss Community Care Society (SCCS) and the Swiss Society of QLD, together with the Consulate and the Council of the Swiss Abroad. If you are Swiss and have been affected by the floods, or if you know of a compatriot that needs help, please reach out to the SCCS. Alternately, should you wish to donate towards the flood recovery for affected Swiss people you can make a direct bank transfer to: ANZ Bank / BSB 012-003 / Account 8683627 Please mention SCCS / Flood Appeal and your name. For a receipt text your mailing address to 0414 736 928. A cheque can be sent to SCCS, PO Box 870, North Sydney NSW 2060.



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